When you sign up for the fantastic plan, you get all three elements of the turn-key advertising program. You get the 8-Page Mailer sent out to a targeted mailing list of land owners PLUS you get a digital ad campaign that targets the same people you are sending the mailers to. In addition, you get a geofencing digital ad campaign that targets consumers that visit your competitors locations. If they are visiting your competitor, then they are interested in tractors! We will send those customers TYM digital banner ads encouraging them to shop at your location. This is a FANTASTIC media plan.
When you sign up for the BEST plan, you get both the 8 page mailer and a digital ad campaign targeting the people that receive the mailers as part of your turn-key advertising program. You get the 8-Page Mailer sent out to a targeted mailing list of land owners PLUS you get a digital ad campaign that targets the same people you are sending the mailers by matching their IP address to the mailing list. We then send digital ads to customers that use the IP address to search.
When you select the Better Plan, you get an 8-Page Mailer featuring TYM model tractors and pricing that you want to feature for your business. Let consumers know more about the various model tractors that you have to offer as well as your current specials and financing. These mailers are targeted to landowners so you can be sure they are reaching the right people
This is a more affordable option to reach potential customers. We will send out a 6x9 Full Color Postcard to targeted homeowners that own land around your service area. This mailer option is provided to allow you to reach more potential customers at a lower budget. We want to ensure that you have options to advertise your business no matter what your budget or coop amounts are available.
Geofencing is a digital ad campaign that focuses on customers that physically visits your competitors store or rural lifestyle stores. Once a customer visits the designated store locations, their cell phone is "pinged" and then they become eligible to be served digital banner ads that feature TYM. If a customer is visiting another tractor store, then they are the right customer to buy a tractor. The TYM ads will target them with your store information suggesting they visit you before purchasing a new tractor. This is a highly targeted and effective advertising strategy.