What is IP Address Digital Marketing? Based on the mailing list that we order for your direct mail program, we will then cross reference that mailing list with the list of available IP addresses associated with the physical mailing address. Thise is typically garners anywhere from an 80 to 95% match on the list. Once the match to the IP address is made, we will then target digital ads to anyone that logs onto the IP address for that household. So essentially, a consumer that receives a physcial direct mailer from you that owns acreage of land and meets all of the criterias for the mailer will ALSO be served digital banner ads when they are online doing searches and visiting a variety of website categories. We will serve these consumers ads based on impressions. Everytime an ad appears on a consumers screen or phone, that is considered an impression. The goal is to get as many eyeballs or impressions to that consumer as we can to get your business and the TYM brand on their top of mind awareness.
This is a TWO month campaign that will run in conjunction with your mailer.
The digital ads are various sizes and appear on a variety of website categories.